Clarisse Grosseto
Fondazione Grosseto Cultura

#382 • Virgin with Child


Antonio Rossellino (workshop)


(Settignano 1427 - Florence 1479)


Half 15th century


Polychromed and gilded stucco on panel


130 x 66 cm



We know of many copies of this subject testifying to its success at the time in the city of Florence; the author shows himself up to date with the innovations introduced by the painting of Filippo Lippi and the physiognomic realism specific to Flemish art, which was well known at the time thanks to the close exchange relationship Florentine bankers had with the Flanders area.
The three-quarter position of the Virgin and the description of the drapery and bodies recall works by Lippi such as the Nativity preserved in the Uffizi in Florence.
The technical solution of the stucco bonded to the wooden panel and the punching of the gilded background create a work of great value and that certainly was paradigmatic of works made almost serially for the art market.